Hi, friends! It’s chaos as usual as H and I are juggling Etoilly Artistry appointments + weddings, fulfilling duties with Saltflat, and keeping up our precious little blog! Not to mention, Hailey will be having her sweet baby girl a month from today and not near as overwhelming, but I’m working on several different projects for our businesses. I always say that I wouldn’t know what to do with myself if I had a ton of free time but I have one answer for you today. A Lush Cosmetics bubble bath and a nap! Oh, and not just a glass, but a bottle of wine.
If you’ve sent us a DM or email lately, let me just apologize now for the delayed responses! I typically answer all of our DM’s in the evenings but I’ve been shutting down work around 11 every night and getting up at 7 every morning. Leaving very little time to respond to everyone! So to skim the surface, today I’m going to answer our most frequent questions from this week!
Who takes your blog photos?
My business partner for Saltflat, Ling, is a professional photographer in which she has taught me quite a few tricks + my desire to learn has made it to where I don’t have to hire a photographer. I set my camera and I give it whoever is shooting me and then I’ve taught them angles that I like. That usually is H or vise versa, Tayler, or Paul. Occasionally, I’m lucky enough to have Ling shoot for me!
What shampoo & conditioner do you use?
Currently, I’m using this and this! I love the way it smells, it keeps my hair looking clean the longest, and it doesn’t leave a heavy residue. I’ve gone back and forth on other shampoo & conditioner’s but always go back to my favorite!
What’s your favorite eye cream?
If you missed the drama, a few months ago I was dealing with chronic dry under eyes. It was so bad that my skin was cracking, peeling, and hurt like hell. TOTAL. FRUSTRATION. I couldn’t find any relief and I tried everything under the sun. I was in Sephora and the sweetest lady suggested this eye cream and it completely took away all of my symptoms in a few days. It hasn’t come back sense, I put it on in the morning and evening. Can’t. Live. Without.
What perfume are you currently wearing?
Love Story by Chloe is absolutely heavenly. I like to wear perfumes for different seasons of my life and different events. I wore this perfume for the first time when Paul and I were in New York for the Christmas Tree Lighting in Rockefeller Center, so it holds special memories for me 🙂
How did you and Paul meet?
I was over at my sister’s house, and we were sitting on the floor with Lily and our best friend, Catherine. I was at a moment in my life where I wasn’t interested in dating but to just reflect on myself and do the things I wanted without any reservations. A typical single girl’s agenda. We were scrolling through Instagram and Catherine showed me a picture of this really handsome guy that was friends with her boyfriend. It happened to be Paul. She gave him my number and not thinking that I would ever hear anything from him, he texted me one day out of the blue. About two weeks later, he came down to Houston from Dallas for an engagement party and took me out for dinner the night before. It was the best first date: queso & margaritas, we went to a bar after, and then he dropped me off at my home like an absolute gentleman. And then…He will kill me for including this in the post but it’s just so funny. I washed my face and got in bed and about 30 minutes after he dropped me off he called me and said “Kailey I am so sorry, but my buddy accidentally locked me out of his place and he’s not answering his phone. Would you mind if I slept on your couch?” I was dying and I told him to come on over. He slept on the couch in his nice shirt and Wranglers and I in my room. Came 7 AM the next morning, Paul had already woken up and I was sleeping through my alarm even though I had a wedding to be at by 8:15. He wouldn’t come in my room and he knocked on my door till I woke up because he remembered I told him I had work that day. Seriously, so sweet! We’ve been together ever since. And I love him to pieces. I’m so grateful that God gave me the sweetest man I’ve ever met and derailed my single girl plans.
XO, Kailey