Happy New Year! 2018, we’re so excited you’re here! 2017 was filled with a lot of travel, emotions, love, and change, but we wouldn’t have it any other way. From start to finish, it was nothing short of a whirlwind. H found her true passion and career in becoming a hairstylist, K traveled to Asia solo and went on 8 trips across the country, H had her first full year of mama to Lily and wife to Jacob, K met Paul and found the best kind of love, H found out that Miss Claire James will be arriving in May 2018, K started with sweet friend Ling Wang Photography, we went to New York Fashion Week in February and September, and lastly, we began our dream project of launching our hair and make up company Etoilly Artistry together. It seems as if we thrive on chaos, doesn’t it?! But there’s absolutely no chance that we would be able to go through this life or chase our dreams without one another. We’re soul mates (Jake and Paul just have to deal) and we can’t wait for what’s to come in our businesses and personal lives. We’re not big on stating resolutions or making up some crazy promises to ourselves for the new year. However, we love to write down our intentions so that we can set an energy and tone over our projects, plans, and ideas!
1. Being present with family and friends
This is something that I (K) worked really hard at this past year and that I’m carrying over to 2018. Running three businesses leaves me little time to unplug and to be in the moment. I’m constantly checking Instagram, emails, DM’s, and answering customers which leaves me working through dinner and laying in bed on my phone till 2 AM. H also is lead communications over Etoilly Artistry and full time mama and balancing the two is a struggle from time to time. We’ve decided that once work is done for the day, we are powering down our phones and giving our full attention to our loved ones, no matter how daunting the to-do list is for the next day. And let’s be real, H can look away from Lily for three seconds and she can turn a living room upside down. So for everyone’s sake, being present is a top priority of ours!
2. Be more organized with our daily schedules
Being self employed is such a blessing and yet extremely challenging when it comes to managing ourselves. Each day is totally different due to hair and make up appointments, shooting content, and fulfilling orders. That in turn makes it difficult to have an organized schedule but by golly we are going to try this year! We’ve decided that every day we are going to wake up no later than 7:30, get dressed for the day, and dedicate 3-4 hours on each business so we stay on task and manage each day sufficiently. Oh yeah, and actually use my planner this year! HA! Focus is not my (K) strong suit so this intention is going to take some extreme will power!
3. Staying dedicated to a healthier lifestyle
Isn’t this everyone’s resolution/intention for the new year?! Even if that’s true, it’s still a great one to have! With H being pregnant and me just having a terrible diet (I eat hot Cheetos every. single. day.), we are trying to get back on track with a workout routine and diet. We each feel so much better when we are regularly going to yoga and cooking dinner at home. I definitely think referring to Intention 2 that I will be better at leaving work at 5:30 and going to an evening flow as my daily schedule. For sure cutting back on the wine as well. During the holidays, I noticed I was drinking at least 4 nights a week and it was obvious in my energy levels and skin. I’ll be limiting happy hours to Thursday evenings, thank you very much. I know that H’s pregnant self will appreciate that since she can’t participate in wine nights till Miss Claire arrives!
4. Creating meaningful content
Now that H and I have all of our businesses launched and in full swing, we’re so excited to be getting back to creating beauty, fashion, and lifestyle content for the blog 3 days a week. December definitely got away from us as we started our hair and make up company and our weekly posts slowly dwindled down. We have now created a monthly editorial calendar so we stay on track and we get to share our lives with all of you. Having this blog is such a light in our lives along with having all of our amazing followers encouraging and supporting us. We love you all so much, and we can’t wait to share our 2018 content with you!
5. Staying faithful, patient, & obedient in God’s plan
All of our troubles, worries, ideas, collaborations, projects are going to be sent right up to God! We are faithful in His promises to us as this year unfolds and trusting in His timing even if it is not our own. Patience does not come easily to either one of us, so one of my biggest prayers is to let patience guide my thoughts when I start to feel discouraged or anxious! I’m already so thankful for all of the blessings that are in store for us, our businesses, and our families! Thank you JESUS, for loving us in all of our flaws and guiding us in every season of life!
This year is going to be so special, I can just feel it! Cheers to 2018!